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A Beauty That's Forever Cast

"Anyone who keeps the ability to see the beauty never grows old"~ Franz Kafka. And in this wine, we find a truth that love and wine are meant to soothe. A joy that's ever meant to last. A beauty that's forever cast. Cheers to the beauty of 1975!

Turn back the Clock 把時光時針回撥

當 1964 遇上 2004, 會擦出什麼樣的火花 ?  風華絕代的 Chateau Mouton Rothschild  散發着歲月沉澱的醇美 活潑的酸度, 仍極年輕 曼妙舞動的單寧 讓餘韻飄揚着靈動的香氣 兩者相伴而生 令人迷醉 I wish that I could turn back the clock Bring the wheels of time to a stop Back to the days  When life was so good

Spider Trees Bloom near the Church 賞花時刻

魚木花季正在盛放 沿著家漫步賞花步道 春風拂面 愜意舒心 教堂莊嚴的氛圍 漫天花瓣隨風飄落 花語傾城兩相歡

《Love is Rare 愛是稀有》

春風十裡 筱筱暮雨 愛是稀有 愛就像香檳 冉冉的氣泡串起 無盡渴望的果實 化成安多酚 沉浸在喜悦的酒香中 慕絲的绵密絲滑 猶如晚安枕 把炫麗的記憶 盛放在清澈的眼杯中 Photo credit:

The Valley of Romance - Franschhoek

Bonsoir, enchanté! In this French corner, I wish to live life as an old vine. An everlasting beauty Embraces with an eternal soul.  Be a root in my romance.

The bright yellow blooms in the city 城市中的春天花花

柳暗花明又一村 黄花風鈴木盛放 它隨風輕輕搖晃 翩翩起舞醉一回

Love in the Time of Social Distancing 愛在瘟疫蔓延時

沒有鮮花的佳節 你我相隔千里 我只能想起你 不捨的眷戀思念 此刻,如果想見你 就能見你一面 聽著你的呼吸和耳語 應該是世上最幸福的事情 Photo by Andrew Neel  from Pexels

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